"So um, this stadium is just crazy to play here and to have been able to play here a few times, it just really is, and um, on this tour, we have 200-300 people with us that help build the stage, and drive trucks, and set up the stage, and do that, and they leave their families, and on top of that, there are about 3,000 to 4,000 people here in Detroit that help us put the show on. They put the stage up, they do security, they keep us safe. And so I am so, so grateful to these people who work so hard, everything from doing parking to selling t-shirts, selling food, selling water, cleaning up the confetti on the floor after the show, they stay here so long, the first to get here and the last to leave. So I want to thank everyone here in Detroit who helped us do it, because this stage did not put itself up and I’m so lucky to get to be on it. One thing that is so so cool about being on tour is getting to come and meet you guys. And I do meet=and-greets after the shows, and I find it really surreal when people remind me of the passage of time. And like, I get it, I understand how time works, I know, we all get older, but when somebody comes up to you and says, ‘I’ve been listening to your music since I was eight,’ and I’m looking at an adult saying that to me, it’s completely, no matter how many times someone says that, it still makes me feel really special, because I feel like music is one of those things, you go through, lots of time, you have a phase where you love some music, you go, 'Oh my god I had this favorite band when I was in eighth grade,’ and I’m so lucky that I’ve been more than just like a phase in your life. And I think in life we go through phases, we go through ups and downs, I’m able to keep up with a lot of you online and see things that you do, and see that you’ve had ups and downs too, and I’m going to sing a song that I wrote awhile ago that for me, is always going to be about you."
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