Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Taylor's Speech before Invisible in Tampa, FL on August 14, 2018

"So, I was, so this tour, I’m going to be totally honest with you, I;m having more fun on this tour than I’ve ever had in my life. And one thing I love about this tour is um - I’ve been thinking that it’s raindrops, but it’s just sweat. That’s what I’m dealing with here. But i know you’ve been here all day, that you’ve been dancing for hours, so I know you understand. So basically, I love so many things about this tour, obviously you guys are high on the list. I also love the fact that I’ve been bringing back old songs, and playing songs that I haven’t played in years. And just kind of, it’s fun for me to kind of revisit those and see if they’re still good, and stuff. I do meet-and-greets before the and after the shows, and one of the last couple shows, there was someone I met, who said he was coming to this show too, and he told me a really beautiful story about how this was the song he listened to before he came out. And it honors me to have any part in that journey for anyone, and he asked me to play this song, because when he was a teenager, he was going through that, and living his life in a different part of the country, and I was a teenager who wrote this song for my first album. It’s called Invisible."

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