Saturday, August 18, 2018

Taylor's speech before Long Live in Miami, FL on August 18th, 2018

"So I’ve been um, I’ve been writing songs since I was 12, and I’m 28 now, which is wild. And sometimes it’s so crazy to me how my life has gone in that it feels like every single phase of my life is sort of like an open diary, and when I look at the crowd, you guys are the people who cared about reading those diaries. And it really, I really mean it when I say this, I appreciate you if you have been listening to my music for 13 years or 10 years or 5 years or any of that, and because I know in life, we go through so many phases, we like so many different types of music, and I am so appreciative that whatever it was that made you want to be here tonight made you want to be here tonight, because you guys mean a lot to me and I’m just so happy that you’re here. There’s a lot of sweat, there’s just a lot. Anyway, you guys have been so amazing to me for so many years, and a while ago I wrote a song that has always to me been about you guys, and how cool you are"

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