Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Taylor's speech before Jump Then Fall in Detroit on August 28th, 2018

"So uh, this tour, let’s just go over: you guys are really awesome, and this tour is the most fun I’ve ever had in m whole life. So it’s really crazy, it’s really flown by. We only have nine shows left in the US after this one, which is wild, and one of the things that’s been so fun about it is that every night we get to have a moment with you guys, just me and a guitar and you, which is so fun for me, and I love it, and I hope it’s okay with you. Is it alright? And I’ve been doing different songs that I don’t really usually do, like songs I haven’t played in a really long time, or songs I’ve never played acoustic. I’m pretty sure I’ve never played tis song acoustic live. If I’m wrong about that, I’m sure you’ll remind me later, but I’m pretty sure I’ve never played Jump Then Fall this way."

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