“You know it’s interesting, looking back on writing a lot of songs about my life because when I first played it live, I’m obviously thinking about that experience that I had that inspired the song. That basic, initial experience that I had that I was writing about. Then it kind of, over time, it morphs? Because first of all, time helps you get over things, right? You hope! Hopefully! That’s the dream. But basically, I think that as time passes, what’s so weird, is that like, my memory that when I relive a certain song, or when I play a certain song, changes from being about a person that was in my life, or an experience I had originally, and it kind of morphs into like, times I’ve played the song and heard you singing it back super loud. So there’s a song that I wrote that thankfully you guys seem to like, which is so nice, and it’s a song that originally was a song when I played it, it was like ahhhhgghghhh, owwww, and now, I play it and I think of the times I’ve played it in a stadium or an arena or my living room with you guys screaming the words back to me. And so it changed it, and I wanted to thank you for changing it because it’s kind of nice to sing a song that you’re proud of, but not feel pain while you sing it. It’s very nice. With that in mind, this is called All Too Well.”
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Taylor introducing Delicate at the Chicago TS Now event
“So this next song is a song that I wrote about … I was kind of thinking a lot about the concept of a reputation. I knew very early on I wanted to name the album ‘reputation.’ It was one of the first things… so I was able to really kind of construct the album based on that concept. Usually, every time before, I think, I’ve kind of come up with the title of the album pretty late in the process. 'What are these songs, what do they all have in common, what’s a word I use a lot, what …' and so this one was different because I kind of built it out from the concept of a reputation. so there are a lot of like, 'I’m angry at my reputation’ moments. There are like, 'I don’t care about my reputation,’ 'I’m fine okay, I don’t care,’ and then there are these moments where it’s very like, 'Oh my God, what if my reputation actually makes the person that I like not want to get to know me? Oh no, that’s a reality that could happen!’ And so when I was thinking about that part of it, where your reputation, how real is it? It’s only real if it stops you from getting to know someone where you feel like you could connect with them in a really real way. So this is a song I wrote about that.”
Taylor introducing ‘New Year’s Day’ at the Chicago ATT/TS Now event
“Basically this album, the way that I see it, I feel like it works in sort of a linear timeline. I feel like it starts in a certain place, … it’s like the album is sort of a catharsis. After I wrote it, I was like, [deep sigh] okay wow, okay so that’s done. But I had to say all of it, because I was feeling a lot of feelings. So the album starts out and it’s all very bombastic and grrr grrr grrr … it’s really like, I think that there was a bit of a bait and switch that happened with this album when we put out ‘Look What You Made Me Do,’ and we were like 'Guys this album’s gonna be one thing.’ And when the album came out, it’s legitimately an album about finding love throughout all the noise. And so it starts with the noise and how all that makes you feel, and how it makes you feel when people are saying things about you that you feel like aren’t true. And living your life sort of in defiance of that…. in defiance of your reputation. And then sort of in the middle the album, you kind of realize, okay so how much do I really value that? If you can find something real in spite of a bad reputation, then isn’t that what matters the most to you? And doesn’t it matter the most to you that you know who your real friends are now? So,… I found myself two New Year’s Eve’s ago … I found myself in the midst of a very incredible 3 a.m. moment where you feel like you’re invincible and you end up like jumping in a pool in the winter. And you feel super untouchable in that moment. And then the next morning you feel very fragile. And you’re like,.. this is love! This is what love really is. Like we all wanna find someone to kiss at midnight, that’s cool or whatever, but who’s gonna want to hang out with you the next day when you’re like 'ADVIL OR NOTHING.' So this is a song about real love and finding someone to hang out with on New Year’s Day.”
Taylor's speech before Long Live in Detroit on August 28th
"So um, this stadium is just crazy to play here and to have been able to play here a few times, it just really is, and um, on this tour, we have 200-300 people with us that help build the stage, and drive trucks, and set up the stage, and do that, and they leave their families, and on top of that, there are about 3,000 to 4,000 people here in Detroit that help us put the show on. They put the stage up, they do security, they keep us safe. And so I am so, so grateful to these people who work so hard, everything from doing parking to selling t-shirts, selling food, selling water, cleaning up the confetti on the floor after the show, they stay here so long, the first to get here and the last to leave. So I want to thank everyone here in Detroit who helped us do it, because this stage did not put itself up and I’m so lucky to get to be on it. One thing that is so so cool about being on tour is getting to come and meet you guys. And I do meet=and-greets after the shows, and I find it really surreal when people remind me of the passage of time. And like, I get it, I understand how time works, I know, we all get older, but when somebody comes up to you and says, ‘I’ve been listening to your music since I was eight,’ and I’m looking at an adult saying that to me, it’s completely, no matter how many times someone says that, it still makes me feel really special, because I feel like music is one of those things, you go through, lots of time, you have a phase where you love some music, you go, 'Oh my god I had this favorite band when I was in eighth grade,’ and I’m so lucky that I’ve been more than just like a phase in your life. And I think in life we go through phases, we go through ups and downs, I’m able to keep up with a lot of you online and see things that you do, and see that you’ve had ups and downs too, and I’m going to sing a song that I wrote awhile ago that for me, is always going to be about you."
Taylor's speech before Jump Then Fall in Detroit on August 28th, 2018
"So uh, this tour, let’s just go over: you guys are really awesome, and this tour is the most fun I’ve ever had in m whole life. So it’s really crazy, it’s really flown by. We only have nine shows left in the US after this one, which is wild, and one of the things that’s been so fun about it is that every night we get to have a moment with you guys, just me and a guitar and you, which is so fun for me, and I love it, and I hope it’s okay with you. Is it alright? And I’ve been doing different songs that I don’t really usually do, like songs I haven’t played in a really long time, or songs I’ve never played acoustic. I’m pretty sure I’ve never played tis song acoustic live. If I’m wrong about that, I’m sure you’ll remind me later, but I’m pretty sure I’ve never played Jump Then Fall this way."
Taylor's speech before Delicate, in tribute to Aretha Franklin, in Detroit, MI on August 28th, 2018
"Detroit, last week, we lost an irreplaceable force. Aretha Franklin did so much for music, she did so much for women’s rights, she did so much for civil rights. She was one of those people that, no matter what you said, no matter what you possibly say about her, it would be an understatement. Words would never ever describe how many things she did in her lifetime that made our world a better place, and this is her home. I would like it if we could have a moment of silence so that every single one of us could reflect on the love and respect for her and everything she did in her life, so can we please dim the lights and have a moment of silence for Aretha. [long moment of silence] We love you, Aretha."
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Taylor’s speech before “Dancing With Our Hands Tied” in Nashville, August 25th
"Guys… remember to hydrate tonight. Okay? It’s really warm tonight. So, I’m gonna let you know something, really kinda behind the scenes. I have this in-ear monitors in my ear and um, my sound guy just said, ‘Taylor, your guitar is messed up. They’re gonna get you a new one.’ So that’s that. One second. Some confetti from… earlier. Alright, as I was saying Nashville, is it okay if I were to have a moment just with you and my guitar? Oh, good! So, as I was saying earlier, but as I started writing songs in Nashville, we have amazing writers here, like I started writing when I was 12 in Pennsylvania and then I got here and um… and I thinks something I took away from learning to write here and spending years co-writing and just trying to learn, you know - I had a publishing deal before I had a record deal, so… I was a songwriter first and I still think of myself as a songwriter first and when I write songs, you know, one thing that’s been so, so wonderful is that I’ve been allowed to experiment with sounds I’m creating, and you know, switching genres and things like that and I wanna say thank you to you guys for allowing me to experiment. And I feel like if you write a song, starting with one instrument, you know - I always go to guitar and piano first, no matter what you add to it afterwards, the song in theory should be able to go back to its original form and still sound alright. You be the judge."
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Taylor for Instax FujiFilm Cameras!
Video: Taylor Swift's comments about instax promotional movie | FUJIFILM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFdDbOSWEpM
Video: “instax SQUARE SQ6 Taylor Swift Edition” Debut! | FUJIFILM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0W9ToQ0xsM
Video: instax Promotional Movie "Now or never." 30sec. | FUJIFILM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36gkh9BXoHo
“It’s fun because it’s like.. when you’re on tour I keep a lot of diaries and journals. And I like to tape photos in and write on photos and give them to somebody. It’s kind of a really nice memento from good times.” - Taylor for Fujifilm Instax
Video: “instax SQUARE SQ6 Taylor Swift Edition” Debut! | FUJIFILM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0W9ToQ0xsM
Video: instax Promotional Movie "Now or never." 30sec. | FUJIFILM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36gkh9BXoHo
“It’s fun because it’s like.. when you’re on tour I keep a lot of diaries and journals. And I like to tape photos in and write on photos and give them to somebody. It’s kind of a really nice memento from good times.” - Taylor for Fujifilm Instax
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Follow me on Tumblr
Here is the link: https://incredibledreams88.tumblr.com/ If you have anything that you want Taylor to see please send me a message on tumblr. Don't be afraid to ask me a ton of times

Saturday, August 18, 2018
Taylor before Gorgeous in Miami, FL on August 18th, 2018
"Well good evening Miami and welcome to the reputation Stadium Tour! Oh, Miami, I had a feeling about you, I really did. Every time I would look at the tour dates and I would see you Miami, and I would say, ‘oh, that's going to be a good one, they’re going to be so great!’ And then, what’s more, earlier, I had a few very, very important sources verify this theory of mine. My dad comes back to my dressing room and goes, ‘I saw Charli’s set, oh my god, they’re insane out there, they’re wild, they’re absolutely amazing.' And then I got a text message from my girl Camila, and she was like,’ I just got offstage, that crowd is so amazing, I’m so proud that’s my hometown crowd, I had the best time out there!’ So we were all walking to the stage, we were all, ‘let’s get out there, they’re ready to go, we’re so honored to play for a crowd like this. I’ve one to Miami many times before, we come here every tour, I just shot a music video in Miami earlier this year. And Miami, I just know how many things you could be doing with your Saturday night in Miami, Florida, I know! So thank you so much for deciding to spend your evening here with us on the reputation Stadium Tour, it’s so beautiful. It’s a really beautiful thing to see you all here, actually, I’d go ahead and say, it’s more than beautiful, it’s a step above beautiful, what's the word for that?"
Taylor's speech before Long Live in Miami, FL on August 18th, 2018
"So I’ve been um, I’ve been writing songs since I was 12, and I’m 28 now, which is wild. And sometimes it’s so crazy to me how my life has gone in that it feels like every single phase of my life is sort of like an open diary, and when I look at the crowd, you guys are the people who cared about reading those diaries. And it really, I really mean it when I say this, I appreciate you if you have been listening to my music for 13 years or 10 years or 5 years or any of that, and because I know in life, we go through so many phases, we like so many different types of music, and I am so appreciative that whatever it was that made you want to be here tonight made you want to be here tonight, because you guys mean a lot to me and I’m just so happy that you’re here. There’s a lot of sweat, there’s just a lot. Anyway, you guys have been so amazing to me for so many years, and a while ago I wrote a song that has always to me been about you guys, and how cool you are"
Taylor's speech before Breathe in Miami on August 18th, 2018
"So one thing I’ve been doing on this tour that’s been a bit of a tradition, you know it’s just you and me and a guitar right now, so lately I’ve been playing songs that I haven’t played in a really long time. And in this case, this is a song that I’ve gotten requested by, you know I meet you guys in meet and greet before the show and after and I’ve gotten so many requests for this song, and I’m pretty sure, I’m 99% sure I’ve never played this song live. It’s called Breathe"
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
The Lyrics That Prove Taylor Swift Is a Freaking Genius
1. “My mind forgets to remind me that you’re a bad idea.” - “Sparks Fly”
2. “You searched the world for something else to make you feel like what we had.” - “Wonderland”
3. “You call me up again just to break me like a promise, so casually cruel in the name of being honest.” - “All Too Well”
4. “I can’t say hello to you and risk another goodbye.” - “I Almost Do.”
5. “The flowers that we’d grown together died of thirst.” - “Clean”
6. “Time won’t fly, it’s like I’m paralyzed by it.” - “All Too Well”
7. “When I was drowning, that’s when I could finally breathe.” - “Clean”
8. “People are people and sometimes we change our minds.” - “Breathe”
9. “I don’t know how to be something you miss.” - “Last Kiss”
10. “All we are is skin and bone, trained to get along.” - “Treacherous”
11. “You’re still all over me like a wine-stained dress I can’t wear anymore.” - “Clean”
12. “What a rainy ending given to a perfect day.” - “Cold As You”
13. “Words, how little they mean, when you’re a little too late.” - “Sad Beautiful Tragic”
14. “Today is never too late to be brand new.” - “Innocent”
15. “You wear your best apology, but I was there to watch you leave.” - “The Last Time”
16. “Faster than the wind, passionate as sin.” - “Red”
17. “You come away with a great little story, of a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you.” - “Cold As You”
18. “When you’re young, you just run, but you come back to what you need.” - “This Love”
19. “I can’t decide if it’s a choice, getting swept away.” - “Treacherous”
20. “We learn to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts.” - “State of Grace’
21. “It turns out freedom ain’t nothing but missing you.” - “Back To December”
22. “The way you move is like a full-on rainstorm.” - “Sparks Fly”
23. “I’ll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep.” - “Last Kiss”
24. “Maybe this thing was a masterpiece until you tore it all up.” - “All Too Well”
25. “We were built to fall apart and fall back together.” - “Out of the Woods”
26. “My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again.” - “Enchanted”
27. “You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter” - “Mine”
28. “We need love but all we want is danger.” - “New Romantics”
29. “You’ve got your demons and darling they all look like me.” - “Sad Beautiful Tragic”
30. “Your eyes looked like coming home.” - “Everything Has Changed”
31. “The story’s got dust on every page.” - “Holy Ground”
32. “Someday when you leave me, I bet these memories follow you around.” - “Wildest Dreams”
33. “We’re happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time.” - “22”
34. “I lived in your chess game but you changed the rules every day.” - “Dear John”
35. “He’s the only one who’s got enough of me to break my heart.” - “Teardrops on my Guitar”
36. “Don’t you dream impossible things?” - “Starlight”
37. “Doesn’t he know that I’ve had him memorized for so long?” - “I’d Lie”
38. “We fall in love ‘til it hurts or bleeds or fades in time.” - “State of Grace”
39. “People like me are gone forever when you say goodbye.” - “All You Had To Do Was Stay”
40. “Lantern burning flickered in my mind for only you.” - “This Love”
41. “Nothing safe is worth the drive.” - “Treacherous”
42. “This is the golden age of something good and right and real.” - “State of Grace”
43. “Don’t you worry your pretty little mind people throw rocks at things that shine” - “Ours
44. "I got your matches before your fire could catch me” - “Dear John”
45. “Wondering if I dodged a bullet or just lost the love of my life” - “I Don’t Wanna Live Forever”
46. “I had the time of my life-fighting dragons with you” - “Long Live”
47. “I’m shining like fireworks over your sad empty town” - “Dear John”
48. “The best people in life are free” - “New Romantics”
49. “ The bravest thing I ever did was run” -“Better Man”
50. “You push my love away like it’s some kind of loaded gun” -“Better Man”
51. “Boy, you never thought I’d run” -“Better Man”
52. “We go fast with the game we play” “-This is what you came for”
53. “Who knows why it’s gotta be this way” “-This is what you came for”
54. “I’ve been looking sad in all the nicest places” - “I Don’t Wanna Live Forever”
55. “ I see you around in all these empty faces” - “I Don’t Wanna Live Forever”
56. “I don’t trust nobody and nobody trusts me. I’ll be the actress starring in your bad dreams.” - “Look What You Made Me Do”
57. “If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothing I don’t regret it one bit, ‘cause he had it coming” - “I Did Something Bad”
58. “They’re burning all the witches, even if you aren’t one They got their pitchforks and proof, their receipts and reasons They’re burning all the witches, even if you aren’t one So light me up (light me up)” - “I Did Something Bad”
59. “Echoes, love your name inside my mind Halo, hiding my obsession I once was poison ivy, but now I’m your daisy” - ”Don’t Blame Me”
60. “This ain’t for the best My reputation’s never been worse, so
You must like me for me…” - ”Delicate”
You must like me for me…” - ”Delicate”
61. “Even in my worst lies,u saw the truth in me” - “Dress”
62. “Nobody’s heard from me for months I’m doing better than I ever was” - “Call It What You Want”
63. “Starry eyes sparkin’ up my darkest night” - “Call It What You Want”
64. “But if he’s a ghost then I can be a phantom Holdin’ him for ransom” -“…Ready For It?”
65. “And he can be my jailer Burton to this Taylor” -“…Ready For It?”
66. “I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me” - “End Game”
67. “ You make me so happy it turns back to sad there’s nothing I hate more than what I can’t have” - “Gorgeous”
68. “Is this the end of all the endings? My broken bones are mending With all these nights we’re spending” - “King Of My Heart”
69. “Please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere” - “New Year’s Day”
Taylor's Speech before Long Live in Tampa, FL on August 14, 2018
"“So, I just went to, just looking back, this exact day a year ago, I was not playing a sold-out stadium in Tampa, I was in a courtroom in Denver, Colorado, and um, honestly, I was there for a sexual assault case, and this day a year ago was the day that the jury decided in my favor, and said that they believed me. And I really, I’m not, I don’t want to, I just want to think about all the people who weren’t believed or who haven’t been believed, or who are afraid to speak up because they don’t think they will be believed. And I just want to say that I’m sorry to everyone who ever wasn’t believed because I don’t know what turn my life would take if people hadn’t believed me when I said that something had happened. And I just wanted to say that we have so, so, so much further to go, and I’m so grateful for you guys for being there for me during what was a really, really horrible part of my life. So I just wanted to say that, and to thank you for everything, and to thank you for, I know that when I meet you guys in meet-and-greet before and after shows, and you tell me about the hard times you’ve gone through in your lives, and I just appreciate you trusting me with that information. And you’ve seen me going through the ups and downs of my life, just due to the public nature of the way my life is, and I wanted to say I’m so happy to see you and to have you and to know you through the ups and the downs of my life, so thank you for everything. [crying] Sorry, I just haven’t really talked about it, and I’m just really not composed at all. So uh, a while ago, I wrote a song, that’s about how I feel when you guys all come together and are so wonderfully supportive and incredible, and so for me, this song is always, always going to be about you, ups and downs, win or lose, you guys have always been there for me, so thank you so much for that.”
Taylor's Speech before Invisible in Tampa, FL on August 14, 2018
"So, I was, so this tour, I’m going to be totally honest with you, I;m having more fun on this tour than I’ve ever had in my life. And one thing I love about this tour is um - I’ve been thinking that it’s raindrops, but it’s just sweat. That’s what I’m dealing with here. But i know you’ve been here all day, that you’ve been dancing for hours, so I know you understand. So basically, I love so many things about this tour, obviously you guys are high on the list. I also love the fact that I’ve been bringing back old songs, and playing songs that I haven’t played in years. And just kind of, it’s fun for me to kind of revisit those and see if they’re still good, and stuff. I do meet-and-greets before the and after the shows, and one of the last couple shows, there was someone I met, who said he was coming to this show too, and he told me a really beautiful story about how this was the song he listened to before he came out. And it honors me to have any part in that journey for anyone, and he asked me to play this song, because when he was a teenager, he was going through that, and living his life in a different part of the country, and I was a teenager who wrote this song for my first album. It’s called Invisible."
Taylor's Speech before Delicate in Tampa, FL on August 14, 2018
"Well, Tampa, I’m having so much fun so far tonight! What about you? So, the last time that I was here to play a show, it was on a tour called the 1989 World Tour. Was anyone here tonight at that show? Alright, is there anyone here tonight who’s never seen me in concert before tonight? That’s a lot of new friends, thanks for coming guys. Just to fill you in on what happened last time, I was playing on Halloween night, and my chosen costume was Olaf from Frozen, it was a very, very sexy costume. All the dancers were dressed as reindeer, it was a whole thing. But tonight, and I loved that show and I loved that crowd, but tonight, we’re a few songs in and I can already tell this crowd is so going for it, this crowd is insane. And this is a Tuesday, this is what you guys are serving up on a Tuesday, this is amazing. On this tour, it’s one of my favorite things about this tour, first of all this is my first stadium tour, I’ve never done a tour that’s all stadiums before, its the coolest feeling. And one of the things I wanted to do going out on this stadium tour, I realized that stadiums are, to state the obvious, very, very big place to play, and so I wanted to be able to see every person in the stadium. And so I don’t know if you noticed, but you have light-up bracelets on your wrist, and the reason for that is because I wanted to see every single person. So if you'e in the top deck, last row, I can see you, you look great, I can see when you’re dancing, when you’re singing, when you’re moving, and it’s the nicest feeling, feeling connected to you guys. I think that’s the basis of songwriting, I think that’s why I like it so much, and why I’ve liked it so much since I was 12 and I started writing. I like it because I could be feeling something that feels so isolating, something at three in the morning, where I write a song because I’m confused, lonely, or upset, and then I could fast-forward a couple of years and I’ll be standing on a stage and you guys are singing the words of that song back to me, and it’s insane. And I just really appreciate you guys taking the time out of your lives to want to be here tonight, making the effort to memorize lyrics to these songs, and then the end result is that we’re all standing in this stadium, screaming the words to these songs that are all written about these feelings that are, you know, pretty delicate."
Hello Everyone
Hello Swifties I'm Ashley I'm 25 Years Old and A Super Big Taylor Swift Fan and will always support and love her. Curls or straight hair, cowgirl boots or heels. Always. here is what to expect on my page I will always give the latest Taylor News, Pictures and Updates I Love Talking To Other Fans and I like to express my cool ideas on what Taylor should do or what she could do. I love compliments about my page. i love when people are active and like all the pictures and things i post cuz it is a lot of work i will always share other pages just ask on the wall i don't do the admin thing i don't like having them. i made this page for me to post on and that's it. Also my main goal is to make people smile and have a stress/drama free without being judged or discriminated against for whatever reason. a swiftie is a swiftie and a person is a person we all have the same feelings and i'll never ignore anyone. that is the worst in the world. I'll never hate on any other artist on my page that's not my place i just want everyone to have an awesome experience on my page and that's my only goal. have a lot of fun and i hope you enjoy my page. I'm looking forward to many many years to come with you guys.
:D Taylor followed me on Tumblr on 10/18/14. I met Taylor on 6/2/18 I was invited to a special AT&T event after she found out I was bullied at my work and my mom was sick in the hospital at the same time.

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